Wk 13: Lucky 13

As Xmas approaches, the builders are making great progress on our build. They were keen to finish the work up high to take down the scaffolding so as to not have to pay rental on it, but it doesn't look like they quite got there. We were able to squeeze in one final visit for the year and walked up our new staircase onto the 2nd floor for the first time! The views are quite nice up there!

The Exsulite appears to almost be complete on both levels and it won't be long before it is ready for paint. It also looks like much of the roof has been installed which should help weather-proof the site somewhat. The builder thinks sheeting could be complete by February.

On another note, the great aerial shots of the site almost came to an abrupt end this weekend when my drone encountered some rogue foliage that sent it crashing about 6 metres to the pavement. Amazingly it suffered no major damage and was even able to launched for a second flight to take the photos below. Fortunately the sensitive camera components still worked, and even the propellers survived unscathed. Hopefully there isn't any hidden internal damage but time will tell. If you don't see anymore shots from up high, you'll know Bumblebee succumbed to internal injuries - unless Santa sees fit to give me new drone for Xmas... [edit: Santa said "NO"]


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