Week 31: Lights, camera, action - Part 2

Just as Canberra begins the inexorable slide into lock-down due to COVID-19, our lighting supplier contacted us to say that we should immediately pick up our feature lights to avoid the risk of not having them available as and when required. There is still a great deal of uncertainty as to which stores are considered "essential" or "non-essential", so we figured it would be a safer bet to just go and get them.

The lights themselves are fairly large and would not fit in either of our cars, so we rented a van to safely transport the lights from the shop to our home. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take the lights directly to the site because they weren't ready for them yet, and as the site was still not secure, it wasn't safe to leave them there. This was particularly annoying as we would have to rent another van when the time did come.

When the lights were eventually installed, there were issues with pretty much every one of them! Firstly, one of our feature stair lights only half lit up, the kitchen pendant gave off no light, but did give off a weird buzzing noise, and our bali ball lights were mis-shapen. Even though these are all still under warranty, the cost of having the electrician un-install and re-install them is not. One of the lights will probably have to be sent interstate which will be a pain because we no longer have the box (which was a custom 3m long box). The other problem is we can't do any of the diagnostics the supplier asks us to do because the power was only turned on temporarily and then shut off again.

On the plus side, each of our light selections looked fantastic and when they're actually working, will be a great addition to the house.


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