Week 12: On the twelfth week of Xmas

We've hit a few snags of late - nothing catastrophic, but minor annoyances that impact on our designs. The biggest issue was when the builders put the splashback window in the wrong place. It's not entirely clear what happened - sounds like a steel beam went in the wrong place and meant the window had to be moved further along the wall. This had flow on implications for our kitchen design . It meant the cabinetry had to be changed and consequently the island bench no longer lined up with the other bench. It also forced the kitchen designer to have to relocate the WIP door which now impinges on access. All those little changes add up and move us further away from what we agreed on. In the WIR, somehow the door got relocated (another reshuffle of cupboards and shelves) and somewhere along the line, about 50cm went astray...

Again, if this is the extent of our troubles, we're probably doing well, but it is frustrating to have these things sprung on us and being forced into accepting the offered compromise, and negating the point of a custom home.


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