Week 5: the slabbening!

We got a call early on Friday morning from the builder. The slab was about to be poured in 10mins and did we want to come watch? Does a one legged duck swim in circles?  But talk about late notice! Fortunately I was able to shuffle things around and get to the other side of town to watch at least some of it. On the way to the house, I was following a cement truck from the main road turning into the suburbs and wondered if it wasn't heading to the site - and sure enough it turned in at our property.

By the time I arrived they'd already done three truckloads, so I got the drone up as soon as I could. It was at this point that the drone attracted the attention and ire of the resident magpie that started swooping at it! Realising that the guys working below probably wouldn't appreciate a drone falling out of the sky and onto their heads, I quickly took my shots and landed. I also wanted to avoid a drone-shaped indentation in the floor of our new house...

I was a little concerned that it might rain later in the day, but the weather seemed to hold off.

We went back on the weekend to look at the finished product. And were swooped by same magpie again.

Anyhow, we noticed some unhealthy looking cracks along the front of the slab that looked to have exposed the internal steel mesh and took some snaps to send the builder. Other parts looked a little brittle. We'll wait to hear what the builder has to say.


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